- CNC F1 Model
Our company was founded in 1990 manufacturing hydraulic transfer macnines.Our first ADVANCED model CNC was produced on 2001.at least lately n 2006,we started producing CNC F-1 MODEL transfer machine.Continued...
- Robotic Automation
We contunue to our cooperation with high precise Professional robot manufacturer Mitsubishi robotics.Continued...
Solution Partners
- Mechanical Hardware
TTM moves with maximum care about both machining methods and right, qualified raw material purchasing. All of the mechanical equipments which produced within TTM, materials are selected as Steel and also starting with certificated products to over machinedContinued...
- Imported Mechanics
TTM presents that, at auxiliary ready components of produced sensitive machining product groups, space less, and zero backlash equipments are selected so flawless, sensitive and long lived products are used.At spindle ball bearing groups of units, Japanese NSKContinued...
- Electrical Hardware
We adopted as a principle that, we use qualified and long lived equipments at all machines which we have produced.
Our basic consumption products are at switchgear components German MOLLER, at energizer signal transmission safeties Japanese OMRON
- Machine Control
TTM has partners as Japanese MITSUBISHI and Austrian KEBA for machines’ controller group. As all the users know that, operator and controller software has effect directly to machine performance, capacity and usability.Although a machine is designed ideally,Continued...
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