Our company was founded in 1990 manufacturing hydraulic transfer macnines.Our first ADVANCED model CNC was produced on least lately n 2006,we started producing CNC F-1 MODEL transfer machine.And now we are here with our third generation CNC F-1 PLUS.CNC F-1 PLUS is more productive and technologic with its robotic arm which allows unmanned automation.It has rustproof CNC designWith high capacity and smooth functioning CNC F-1 has incraesed customer prohibition,and the new version CNC F-1 PLUS allows 24 hour working periods which provides % 30 up to % 60 capacity increase.It has special ultra compact design, high capacity production in little spaces. By this special design ,it occupies %50 smaller space than others.
We prefered FANUC ROBOT and MITSUBISHI ROBOT for CNC F-1 PLUS TRANSFER because of the technologic advantages on 6 axis robotic arm.For feeding,engeneering and adaptation support our partner is FACTOR -H.
Advantages Of CNC F-1 Plus ;
· Saving from operator personnel cost up to %95.
· Specially for feeding small pieces,capacity acceration on machine up to % 60.
· Because of its compact structure the machine occupies smaal space.
· Saving up to %90 on man origined piece breakdown on part feeding.
· High capacity,high efficiency y non-stop working 24 hour.
With these features on present day competition represents the ultimate in technology by max.competition with minimum production.